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Women’s Volleyball Spirit Incentives NNFE Source: Release time:2017-05-19 12:55:12 Back
       In the morning of August 21 of Beijing time, Chinese Women’s Volleyball team won a gold medal for a second time after a lapse of 12 years by defeating Serbian team in the 31st Olympic Games held in Rio, Brazil though Chinese team ever lost its competition with Serbian team with a score 3:0. Meanwhile, it’s ninth time for the team to top the world since the first champion obtained in the 1981 women’s volleyball world cup contest. The women’s volleyball spirit carried down from generation to generation motivates the players of various generations to fight for the country.


       The spirit of “no discarding, no abandon, dare to fight and strive and forge forward “incentives the whole generation. Up to now, Lang Ping confers a new age connotation to the spirit, which is “We strive for not champion but the courage to win, even we lose”.

        Here, NNFE held a one hundred days’ working contest activity in striving for best achievements after the spirit of Chinese women’s volleyball team. According the accomplishment information of the working objectives in various departments, many prizes will be awarded to those who have an excellent work performance. We also hope employees could take the valuable spirit into their work and create more values and glories for themselves and the corporation.

         The deadline of the activity shall be Dec. 18, 2016. We hope each of you could constantly challenge yourselves and spare no efforts to achieve splendid achievements in the spirit of teamwork!

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